10 Ways to Have More Friends

10 Ways to Have More Friends

When you are feeling kind of lonely you might wonder how to make more friends. The good news is that you can always give it a shot with these amazing tips that can help your list of contacts grow. There are lots of ways to meet new people and have a good time getting to know them.

1. Ask People Questions

Showing interest in other people is a number one way to make more friends. Make sure that when you’re hanging out with a new crew you ask them plenty of questions about themselves. That will show them that you’re really interested in getting to know them for them, not for any other type of selfish interests.

2. Stay Posi

“Posi” is short for positive and this is a thing that is great for making friendships of all different types. If you’re upbeat and positive people will want to be around you and that makes it easy to make more friends. Negative Nancys don’t make too many friends because no one wants to be around a rain cloud.

3. No Gossiping

Talking about someone behind their back might feel good in the moment but it really doesn’t do much to help you make friends. If you really want to get to know someone, don’t talk about them to other people. Also, if you’re feeling judgemental about someone, it might mean that they are not the best friend for you.

4. Think of Fun Things

If you need to think of fun things to do just look around your town! Don’t be afraid to try something new or do something that is a bit “touristy” with a new friend because doing things is how you build rapport with a new person in your life.

5. Try Work Friends

You already have something in common with the people who you work with. You can always go out after the job is over and get to know eachother better. It’s a great way to make sure you can have friends even if your job keeps you so busy that it is hard to make friends in other places and ways.

6. Debate - Not Argue

When you have friends you might get into arguments, but it’s more important to argue in a civil way to get places with friends. Try to focus on debates instead of arguing. Don’t let a hot headed moment ruin your friendship and get full of bad reviews to your other friends. Just have a debate!

7. Be Helpful

If you’re helpful to your friends you may notice they stick around a bit longer than usual. If you want to be helpful do things like helping friends move or giving them a hand with driving their kids around. That’s what real friends are for. Helping feels good too.

8. Talk to New People

The best way to make new friends is to talk to new people. Try to make a goal to talk to at least five new people every single day and you’ll probably find yourself in a good place with more friends in just a few weeks.

9. Honest is the Best Policy

If you’re feeling honest you can be really up front with people. Don’t hold your feelings inside or judge people silently. Find a nice way to voice any concerns about friendship and be honest about what you think. That’s how you find people you are really compatible with. 

10. Compersion

Don’t get jealous, but be happy for your friends. If they get a new job that is better than yours, or a rich boyfriend, there’s no need to become jealous because you should totally be happy for them! It’s called compersion.