When a Friend is Not talking to You

When a Friend is Not talking to You

When a friend just stops talking to you it can be kind of hard on you. You may not even know what the conflict was about. Some people have a hard time dealing with emotions so they just ghost you with no warning. If this happens to you, you might try dealing with someone in a new way and here are some suggestions for how to deal with this situation so you don’t go absolutely bonkers.

Try Communicating Via a Different Channel

If your friend didn’t respond to your social media message, try to communicate with them in a totally different way. Maybe they are taking a break from social media and you should text them instead. Maybe you can call them up on the phone and see if they are doing OK. Maybe their phone broke and you need to go knock on their door. Try communicating via a different method to see if they have really completely shut you out of their lives or if they are just not using a certain method of communication.

Talk to Other Friends

Perhaps someone is trying to reinvent themselves. Has your friend stopped talking to the whole group of friends or just you? If they have stopped talking to everyone it’s likely that the problem really has nothing to do with you and you can just try to keep contacting them. Remember that pulling away from a group of people can be a sign of depression so being there for your friend even if they stopped talking to you can be a good idea. 

Reflect on Your Actions

It’s easy to say “but I’ve been such a good friend!” when maybe you haven’t. Think about things you have done, though it’s hard to say whether or not it is that thing bothering them since you’re not a psychic! But, maybe you have been talking about them or they feel betrayed by something you have done. If you can think of something maybe you can preemptively apologize or see what you can do to remedy the situation.

Are They are Dealing With Something Else?

Have you ever heard the phrase that the world doesn’t revolve around you? Well, if someone is dealing with something else then they might not have the energy to reach out to you. If that is the case then you should just keep trying to check in with them. Maybe a family member is sick or they are having some problems with mental health stuff. Checking in even when they ghost you will give you a good idea of what they are going through when they eventually get back to you.

Lack of Compatibility

Some people just aren’t compatible. If you had a lot of problems with your ghostly friend then maybe they just decided this thing wasn’t worth it and decided to move on with their lives. Don’t take it personally, just focus on the friendships that you have which are really worth it! Compatibility isn’t a personal issue. Sometimes you just don’t get along that well with someone or you aren’t able to get them that much. It could be related to any number of things, but it’s really not a big deal. Just find new friends!

Be Open

Even if someone won’t talk to you, just let them know that you would be open to a friendship with them in the future and they don’t have to worry about pleasing you or making you happy. Let them know that whenever they are ready to talk again, you’ll be there!