Why Don’t I Have Any Friends?

Why Don’t I Have Any Friends?

Some people don’t have any friends, but it is rare. If you feel like you are one of these people, the first step to consider is to really close your eyes and think and try to come up with one friend. If you really can’t come up with even one, then, yes, you may have a problem. If you want to try to get friends you may have to address some unsavory behavior that will not win over hearts and minds to your size. Here are some reasons why you might not have any friends.

Selfish Behavior

If you are a selfish person you will not make friends easily. That’s because friendship does require a bit of give and take. You can’t just do what is the best for you all the time. You have to be willing to compromise and give in sometimes. You have to find out what your friends want and compromise! Do something nice for your friend like take them to their favorite restaurant on their birthday or make sure they have it good in another way. That’s the way to make friends the unselfish way!

Bad Hygiene

If you don’t smell good then people will not want to hang out with you. You need to do things like shower at least once per day, or every other day at most. Definitely shower every time after you work out! You also need to brush your teeth, wear deodorant and don’t put on too many smelly products like a strong cologne. Make sure you smell nice but not too strong and you may see your friendship roster growing. You could also do things like carry around a breath mint or minty fresh gum with you wherever you go.

You’re Unpleasant

Sometimes people can hang out with you for a little while, but you can never seem to get someone to stick around for a few hours. In this case you need to think about your personality and why people don’t like to hang out for a long time. Do you talk too much about yourself? Do you chew with your mouth open? Or maybe you are just inflexible. Either way, just try to be more pleasant! You can even ask someone what they didn’t like about you and try to work on that.

You’re Angry

People who have a short fuse do not have too many friends. If you are unpredictable with your anger, you can bet that people will not want to hang out with you. You might want to consider going as far as taking anger management classes to make your potential friends feel safer around you. When anger boils over people might feel fear for their personal safety, or they may get triggered, which doesn’t make for good friendships. Keep your anger from boiling over and spilling onto your friends and hurting them. It will make for lasting relationships.

Too Eager/Clingy

Are you the kind of person who latches onto a person right away and doesn’t let go? Well, that could be a big reason why you don’t have any friends. People need their space and while you may be ready to latch on right away, the other person may need some more space before they are ready to be besties. Keep in mind that there are also some people who are very introverted who may need more space than other people. Not everyone has the same needs that you do!

Now that you have some insight as to how to make friends, go out there and get some buddies to hang out with.