Seven Questions to Start off Conversations

Seven Questions to Start off Conversations

When you want to make friends, it can be hard to know how to talk to people. This goes double if you are shy. Instead of being lonely, you can try any of these seven questions to learn how to talk to people. You can start conversations which is the first step towards making friends. Get more social in your life with these conversational tips. Here are seven questions to try for conversations!

What are Your Hobbies?

This is an amazing question that could lead you to hours and hours of discussion. People like to talk about hobbies that they enjoy until the day is done. When your conversational partner is done talking about their hobbies, you can talk about yours. In a conversation it is usual for people to take turns answering the same question, so this one could take up a lot of time and cause a lot of friendship points to be gained through a simple conversation!

Favorite College Memories

Everyone has something that they really loved from their College days. Everyone has some kind of wild story to share. It’s a really good idea to share stories of the good old days or even just talk about what kinds of clubs and subjects you liked to study during those years. College is a special time and it’s fun to talk about because everyone did silly and stupid things in those early years.

Favorite Author/Books

Talking about your favorite author or book is a great way to get the conversation started. There are tons of people who love a certain genre of book like science fiction, or people who love their favorite authors. You never know, you might find out about something really cool that you would like to read by talking to someone new.

What Would You Do if You Won the Lottery

Finding out how people would spend their winnings if they won the lottery is a pretty cool thing to think about. It can really tell you a lot about what is important to a person and what they really think is important in life. Some people would spend it all really quickly, and other people really like to talk about this dream scenario. However, be careful with this one because talking about money things could be kind of stressful for some people.

Favorite Holiday Memory

The holidays are a fun and special time for everyone. You may have a favorite holiday memory from family or friends if you have ever gone of a special holiday trip, you have some memories from that. Talking about the holidays always makes everyone feel good so it’s a nice way to start a conversation.

Your Favorite Ways to Beat Stress

Some people are good with stress and other people are not. If you want to learn some new tips, talking about how you deal with stress could be a good thing. Find out how your conversational partner deals with anxiety and stress and you could get a new outlook on life, or just learn something important about how your new friend functions.

Your Favorite Vacation Spot

Some people go on a vacation to a different spot all over the world. Another person might go to the same spot over and over again. Vacations are a great topic which can show you that you have something in common with a person if you both like beaches or perhaps you might both like the desert! Either way, it’s a fun thing to talk about that can give you a big insight into your newest friend.