Tips to Change Your Bad Reputation

Tips to Change Your Bad Reputation

If you have a bad reputation you may want to do some things to make it better so that you can have more friends. More friends will help your bad reputation go away so it’s a good idea to get some! Here’s how to win friends over and turn over a new leaf if you’ve had some bad behavior over the years. It’s really pretty easy, as long as you are aware of the behavior that has given you a bad rap over the years. Finding out what you did wrong isn’t easy but when you know you’ll feel happier.

Make New Friends While Keeping Old Ones

If your current friends raise an eyebrow every time you come around due to your past bad behavior, you probably want to get a set of new friends. However, you don’t want to have no friends at all. So, you should hang on to your old friends and make some new ones at the same time. Your new friends can do two things. First of all, they can simply be new friends which is always fun. Second of all, they can help to dispel bad rumors and memories of you if you decide to act differently with them. If your old friends say “so and so always does x” and you haven’t done “x” with your new friends, they will tell them what’s up!

Do a Makeover

If you want to dispel a bad reputation then you should become a whole new you! Getting a makeover can help to make you feel different which will make your behavior different. People will recognize that you’ve physically turned over a new leaf and that you want to be seen as a whole new person. If you were a crusty punk before try going to clean preppy or business casual. A haircut and some new duds are all it takes to give yourself a better reputation. Now, your makeover doesn’t have to be big, but it can be as simple as getting a new haircut to represent the new you. You can go big of course, with a whole new style, but makeovers do help you to step into the new you.

Try Hobbies

If your bad reputation is because you’ve been in trouble before, you may need a  hobby to keep yourself out of trouble. A hobby can also help you turn over a new leaf because you will meet a whole new crew that will keep you on the straight and narrow. Having an activity to do will make sure that you get the best opportunity to make a new name for yourself and a whole new you. There are certain hobbies that tend to help with personal growth the most. You can join a new religious organization or a hiking club. Spending time in nature and going to a religious place can really help you to let people know you have been trying to do something different.

Don’t Hide Your Past

If you’ve had a rough and tumble past then you will need to acknowledge it if you are asked about it. Don’t deny allegations of things that you actually did do. Just move on and let people know you are different now. Whether you sin was doing something illegal or just being mean, it’s never too late to start over again as a new person. Just be honest and up front about who you are! So, you can become a new person even if you think it’s a hopeless case for you!